38. 外观数列 - 力扣(LeetCode)

Count and Say 外观数列. The count-and-say sequence is a sequence of digit strings defined by the recursive formula: …

public String countAndSay (int n) {if (n == 1) {return "1";} char [] re = countAndSay (n-1). toCharArray (); int count = 0; char cur = re …

Learn how to generate the nth term of a sequence of digit strings where each term is derived from its predecessor by counting …

The count-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers with the first five terms as following: 1. 1 2. 11 3. 21 4. 1211 5. 111221 …

The count-and-say sequence is the sequence of integers beginning as follows: 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, ... 1 is read off as "one 1" or …

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